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STEM elementary school


Flight objectives.

The iFLY STEM Program for Elementary School aims to instill the following in students:

  • Increase awareness of exciting STEM careers.
  • Learn how STEM is used in the real-world.
  • Understand the differences between solids and fluids.
  • Analyze the effects of different forces on an object.
  • Plan investigations and defining variables in an experiment.
  • Measure and record data, and interpret results.
  • Understand variability, uncertainty, and error in experimental results.



See the power of the wind.

Watch physics in action! Students will witness flight instructors interacting with objects in the wind tunnel.

They will then discuss how the size, shape, and weight of an object affects its speed in the tunnel.


Think with parachutes.

In this classroom experiment, students plan and carry out an investigation about parachute flight performance. Using stopwatches, measuring tapes, and a scale, students will record data and share conclusions with the class.

Resources for Teachers and Educators

BROCHURE / Share this overview with parents and administrators.

TEACHER'S GUIDE / Review a description of the field trip experience.

STANDARDS ALIGNMENT / Determine where a field trip to iFLY fits into your curriculum.

PRE-TRIP PRESENTATION / Prepare your students, and check out a script for you.

INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION / See the slides our STEM educators use.

LAB WORKSHEET / See what we'll investigate in our hands-on lab.

POST-TRIP ACTIVITIES / Reinforce what your students learned.

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